Ferry Ride to Mazatlan

Mazatlán  • 
long ferry ride across the sea of Cortez to mainland Mexico. beach is long

La Paz

La Paz  • 
Made it to La Paz. Port town. Still alive


Loreto  • 
Slept on the beach. Loreto is more of a developed town. Lots of small fishing charters. Found some cold brew coffee and a brewery. Bike shop to get air in the tires.


Mulege  • 
Hot ride. Decend into mulege. Green from the inlet. Small Town. Used pemex to exchange dollars to pesos. Rice, beans, magaritas at El Candil.

San Ignacio - Rice & Beans

San Ignacio  • 
Foggy morning takes a little while to clear. Ride for a few hours and then a crazy headwind starts to blast me. I make it through the military check point, and start to descend. I see a hotel/camp/restaurant called Rice & Beans. Sick of the wind and sun I hurriedly make my way around to the entrance...

El Marasal

Crossing to the Baja Sur in the truck camper we had to pay a pest spray fee for your car tires. We headed into Marasal I got dropped off at a grocery store, while the camper headed west. I managed to get all my gear loaded up and then pinch flatted as soon as I rolled it off the curb. No cell serv...


Ensenada  • 
The port town of Ensenada, had fun staying here for a while. The city has pretty much withered to crawl since no new cruise ships come in.

hotel across the line

Tijuana  • 
we cross the border late at night and I don't want to proceed in the dark, so I find a close hotel. no refrigerator, so I had to improvise

Chula Vista

My boat is docked at the Chula Vista and a neighbor happens to be crossing the border. To avoid all paperwork and border hassles I put the bike in the back of the car for ease of crossing the line.

Old steel road bike

San Diego  • 
I bought an old steel road bike from a kid who says its a Nishiki. The forks been stripped of paint, no bar wraps, suicide brake leavers. Get some parts from downtown San Diego before taking the trolley to Chula Vista.